My Portfolio

I'm a

A showcase of my projects and abilites

My name is Rohit Ghosal

Founder of Bingo Learnings

I want to be a data scientist-cum-reasearcher as well as cybersecurity & penetration tester;interested in MERN Development(full stack), Flutter Development, Android Development, Java Framework, Vanilla JavaScript, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Compiler Designing, Operating System Management.

Goal towards Quantum Computing Analysis.

Project 3:
Voice Recon App

This is an andriod application that recognizes speech from the user and convert it into a text message. Check and try yourself for best experience.

Project 4:
Twitter Bot

This an API based project mainly developed in python3. It automatically sync with tweet retweet and like. used render for deloyment.

Project 5:
HMS Python

Hotel Management System is a software engineering project that we implemnted using python3 GUI. Useful for basic hotel Managing.

Project 6:
E-Commerce Website

E-commerce is the most recent trend of the century for business. we implemntedusing Python3 with Django--A basic approach of e-commerce site.